My designer sent me some concepts for the cover that I’d like to share and get feedback on. Keep in mind they’re very rough, just to give the general concept. You can click on an image in the gallery below to see it fullscreen. If there’s one direction of the following pics you like, please let me know in the comments area or just Tweet at me or email me. Or if you have any other ideas, I’d love to hear them. All of this would be much appreciated. Right now I’m almost certain I’m going with the ‘Fedora Man’ artwork (created by Zack Blanton, the artist – that you can see in my header, but my mind isn’t entirely made up.
I hate the top two, though maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if that istock photo is a mock up. I don’t need to read your book to know what an Oh! face means. Of the others I like the darkened logo one the best, and I hate hate hate the clip art one at the end. Poker is in the name of the book, so no information is gained by a picture of shades and a picture of a hand of – what is that, Lazy Pineapple? Weird.
Upon more mature reflection, I may have my Green Book arguments backwards. The cover is likely supposed to draw the eye to the title, not the other way around. And that the game represented by 3 cards is esoteric is probably not important from a graphic design perspective. But it still looks like clip art, which feels slipshod and slapdash to me.
I think you need a cover that is less busy personally. I like the green one but perhaps images of faces instead of poker stuff and maybe a brighter color so it stands out
Hi, Zachary! You know I am anticipating the release of the book ! I would like RPT_Cover 6 the best if it didn’t have the white box in the middle. So I like RPT_Cover10 . However, for me, the book cover could be a brown paper bag, and I will buy it! I know it’s going to be an awesome read and enhance my game for years to come.
Thank you guys for your feedback. Yes, these are just very rough mockups. I know some of the stuff is strange. For example, it definitely wouldn’t be three cards, and we wouldn’t be using the iStock images. They’re just very rough. Right now, I’m leaning toward #5 and #3, or some combination of styles of those. I think the illustration is the most “classy” and easiest to pull off considering how hard it can be to get good-quality photos that speak to the subject matter.
Anyway, thanks a lot. The feedback I’ve gotten through Twitter has been great.
I like the one on the bottom left the most!