I’m working on a new poker tells book, which will almost certainly be my last, focused on actual hands and practical applications. It’ll probably be ready around the end of 2016. The working title is Reading Poker Tells: Practical Applications. You can pre-order the paperback (ebook included) for $45 USD in the U.S. and $55 outside of the U.S.
Unlike my own previous books (and all other poker tells content out there), this book will be more than just a this-means-that list of potentially possible poker tells. This book will focus on answering the practical questions:
- What factors are important when considering whether to act on an opponent’s behavior?
- When should we act on a behavior and when should we not?
- When experienced players base a decision on a poker tell, why do they do that? What factors are involved?
Here’s the pre-order page for Poker Tells: Practical Applications.
The simplest way to Play Poker win at ? Follow some common rules: study your opponents, believe in your strategy and hide your tells. Beginner poker players might think that with poor cards you cannot win. However, this is the secret – play poker and deal with whatever cards you get. Here are some tips you should take into account.